Jack Coleman

As I write this, I still can’t believe that you’re gone.

One day I was told you have a throat infection & the next day I was told,

That you could no longer breathe on your own & that you weren’t going to make it.

You were originally given to me to fill a hole of my father leaving,

But you did so much more than that,

You were my best friend, the one person I could trust,

The one that would never leave my side, you were my everything.

Everyday that you’ve been gone, I’ve missed you.

You were my rock and now when I’ve had a horrible day,

I have no one to come home to that will sit next to me and listen.

Thank you for choosing me to be in your life.

I loved you from the day I first saw you and I’ll always love you.

My perfect boy.

2000 – 2015

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